Call for Speakers

BrightTALK’s virtual events are an opportunity for you to share your expertise with B2B marketing and sales professionals and help promote your work and organization.
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About BrightTALK events

Each year, the BrightTALK team hosts a range of virtual events focusing on important topics for B2B marketers and sellers including intent data, GTM alignment and MarTech operations. These events specifically target the 150,000+ professionals in our B2B marketing and sales community.

About BrightTALK events

Each year, the BrightTALK team hosts a range of virtual events focusing on important topics for B2B marketers and sellers including intent data, GTM alignment and MarTech operations. These events specifically target the 150,000+ professionals in our B2B marketing and sales community.

Upcoming events

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What to expect as a speaker

Our job is to make your role as a speaker as easy possible. We take care of handling the logistics, get you comfortable with our platform, and help you throughout the content development process, including providing things like slide templates and promo kits.

As a speaker, you’ll play a key role in driving the content, from title and abstract development to the final presentation deck.

Illustrated image of a woman sitting at laptop with a cup of coffee

Connect with us

Call for Speakers

BrightTALK’s virtual events are an opportunity for you to share your expertise with B2B marketing and sales professionals and help promote your work and organization.