Event Title

Enabling Effective Threat Detection and Response

July 10, 2024
July 11, 2024

The current threat landscape is a vast one, demanding companies detect and respond to increasingly sophisticated attacks holding potential to cause significant damage. With the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning use, experts are concerned threat actors will weaponize this growing technology to enact devastating attacks on businesses everywhere.

The supply chain will continue to remain a vulnerable target for attack due to the volume of information enveloped and the third parties involved. Cyber warfare is projected to threaten organizations with nation state attacks making up a growing portion of threats. With all these risks circulated in cyber space, how can companies implement a solid detection and response program that keeps up with the ever-evolving threat landscape?

Join this Summit and hear from leading experts discuss threat intelligence best practices as well as how to implement a detection and response framework that effectively wards off and defends against attacks.

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