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BitBang offers services and best practices in Customer Intelligence, Advanced Analytics & Optimization, Modern Intelligence, Data Management, Machine Learning/AI and Cloud Engineering, supporting businesses to develop a solid Data Measurement Strategy to leverage data in the best possible way to enable data-driven marketing actions and smart personalization of the Customer Experience on all digital touchpoints to increase business opportunities.
  • 1,667 Subscribers
  • 33 talks
  • 1 series


BitBang offers services and best practices in Customer Intelligence, Advanced Analytics & Optimization, Modern Intelligence, Data Management, Machine Learning/AI and Cloud Engineering, supporting businesses to develop a solid Data Measurement Strategy to leverage data in the best possible way to enable data-driven marketing actions and smart personalization of the Customer Experience on all digital touchpoints to increase business opportunities.
  • 1,667 Subscribers
  • 33 talks
  • 1 series