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ServiceNow Security Operations

Respond effectively to mitigate ever-changing security risks

Transform your security operations the same way you are transforming your business with automation, AI, context, and collaboration between security, IT, and risk teams. You can identify, prioritize, and respond with agility to evolving cyber threats. We can also help you get proactive to improve your security by systematically hardening and reducing your digital attack surface and optimizing and orchestrating your security operations.
  • 4,708 Subscribers
  • 20 talks

Respond effectively to mitigate ever-changing security risks

Transform your security operations the same way you are transforming your business with automation, AI, context, and collaboration between security, IT, and risk teams. You can identify, prioritize, and respond with agility to evolving cyber threats. We can also help you get proactive to improve your security by systematically hardening and reducing your digital attack surface and optimizing and orchestrating your security operations.
  • 4,708 Subscribers
  • 20 talks