Unifying the Network...
Kaloom™ is delivering a fully programmable and automated cloud-native edge networking software solution that is disrupting how distributed cloud edge and data center networks are built, managed and operated by Telecom, Fixed and Mobile Operators, Data Center and Cloud Service Providers. Kaloom comprises of technology veterans with a proven track record of delivering large-scale networking, analytics, and AI-based solutions for the world’s largest networks. Kaloom is based in the Quartier de l’innovation in Montréal, Quebec. For additional information visit www.kaloom.com.
- 47 Subscribers
- 3 talks
Unifying the Network...
Kaloom™ is delivering a fully programmable and automated cloud-native edge networking software solution that is disrupting how distributed cloud edge and data center networks are built, managed and operated by Telecom, Fixed and Mobile Operators, Data Center and Cloud Service Providers. Kaloom comprises of technology veterans with a proven track record of delivering large-scale networking, analytics, and AI-based solutions for the world’s largest networks. Kaloom is based in the Quartier de l’innovation in Montréal, Quebec. For additional information visit www.kaloom.com.
- 47 Subscribers
- 3 talks