The NIST CSF to CSA CCM Mapping – A Primer

Presented by

Eric Peeters, Senior Manager, Weaver and Shelby Mathers, Manager, Weaver

About this talk

The CSA, NIST, Weaver, and CSA volunteers have teamed together to map the NIST CSF subcategories to the CSA’s CCM controls. During the webcast, we will introduce attendees to the mapping and discuss in detail a few select controls to illustrate how they can leverage the mapping in their environment. We will discuss how the mapping can support specific use cases, and how it can be leveraged to enhance the security posture of cloud service customers as well as providers. We will briefly discuss the history and purpose of both the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix and the NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework, and their respective benefits to demonstrate how a mapping of the two builds upon their respective strengths. Finally, we will touch upon the methodology used for the mapping, and the layers of review performed by CSA volunteers, NIST, Weaver, and CSA that contributed to the overall quality control and consistency of the mapping. At the end of the web cast, attendees will: • Understand how to leverage the mapping to demonstrate that their implementation of CCM controls attain security outcomes of the CSF; • Understand the methodology followed to ensure the reliability of the mapping • Walk away with use cases and next steps that can be customized to their environment.
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