Live Dragons and Incident Response Plans

Presented by

Jeremiah Dewey, Senior Director, Global Consulting, Rapid7

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J. R. R. Tolkien may not be the obvious starting point for incident response planning, but he definitely had a good deal to say about the perils of dragons. As his character, Gandalf correctly states in the story of the Hobbit “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.” – very wise words indeed. Unless you’re reading this from Middle Earth, we’re pretty sure there aren’t any actual dragons living in your neighborhood, so during this webcast we’ll be focussing on how you can be well prepared in case of analogous ones by having a solid and relevant incident response plan. Join Jeremiah Dewey, seasoned incident response wizard (not his actual job title, although it probably should be), to ensure your organization’s IR plans are analogous-dragon-ready. In this session, you’ll hear about: 1. What your incident response plans should cover (and what they should not) 2. Who you should involve in the IR planning process 3. How you can use threat modeling and business impact as your guide 4. When you should review and update your IR plans 5. Why you should put your IR plans through their paces outside of a real incident
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