Full title: Laboratory 4.0 Digitalization and IoLT (Internet of Laboratory Things) Strategies to Enrich Industry 4.0
The joining of online process automation devices and data (Operational Technology or OT level) and offline laboratory management systems and data (Enterprise Information Technology or IT level) is becoming an indispensable modernization and digital maturity aspect that needs to be realized to make the Industry 4.0 paradigm an industrial reality. This presentation describes options for the building of a sound Lab 4.0 digital laboratory environment, which consists of laboratory informatics, automation and robotics, interconnectivity, big data, analytics and machine learning to create a more holistic and better-connected, self-monitoring smart digital manufacturing ecosystem. The digitization of laboratories, along with the IT – OT interconnectivity, makes the availability of near real-time offline laboratory methods and results an actuality in the exercise to achieve the Industry 4.0 benchmark.