In the data era, information needs to be always available. This is reflected worldwide by regulations requiring synchronous data mirroring to prevent outages and critical data loss. Most institutions now require a business continuity plan in addition to a disaster recovery plan for IT that provides “continuous availability” to keep business application data intact and current after a site or data center outage. In addition, few companies today can sustain 24-hour data center operations, so many IT business continuity plans now require automatically initiated site failover in case of an outage to further reduce the possibility of critical data loss. With that in mind, Dell Technologies is introducing Dell EMC metro node, purpose-built to address these business continuity challenges. To learn more about The gold standard for Active/Active data centers join us in this session.
Dejan Zivanovic, Storage, Platforms and Solution Sales, Adriatic&Bulgaria, Dell Technologies
Radu Isaia, Storage, Platforms&Solutions Sales, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Malta&Romania, Dell Technologies
Boris Pavlik, Senior Storage Specialist, CEE, Dell Technologies