Fighting Financial Crime Effectively through Federated Machine Learning

Presented by

Gary Shiffman - Consilient/Giant Oak, Juan Zarate - Consilient, Nikhil Deshpande - Intel & Parviz Peiravi - Intel

About this talk

Over 95% of Anti Money Laundering (AML) alerts are false positives. Despite this, today’s under-staffed and under-resourced institutions continue to use outdated, reactive, and expensive systems for AML monitoring. This webinar, provided by Intel and Consilient introduces a solution: Federated Learning through revolutionary technology. This effective and efficient means to tackle AML and prevent illicit finance moves beyond traditional rules-based transaction monitoring and towards real-time sharing and collective learning on complex threats - all while safeguarding privacy and data.   The webinar will outline:  •  Issues with today’s AML techniques - Introduction to Federated Learning architecture - Application of Federated Learning in the financial sector.  •  Benefits of Federated Learning while ensuring security and privacy. Parviz Peiravi (CTO - Financial Services Industry, Intel), Gary Shiffman (CEO, Consilient & Giant Oak), Juan Zarate (Chairman, Consilient), Nikhil Deshpande (Intel).
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