Turn the Tables on Poor Database Performance

Presented by

Kevin Kline, SolarWinds Technical Evangelist and Kellyn Gorman, Director of Data and AI at Silk

About this talk

It’s rare to find a database completely free from the ills of poor design and/or inefficient queries. The result? Typically, higher I/O, longer user wait times, greater amounts of blocking, and increased resource consumption and contention.   So, what’s the best way to tackle the issues and maximize return on time invested? Tune the SQL statements? Add another index? Add more columns to an existing index?   Join database experts Kevin Kline, technical evangelist for database technology at SolarWinds, and Kellyn Gorman, director of data and AI at Silk, for a discussion about optimizing PostgreSQL database performance. Kevin and Kellyn will cover a variety of critical insights into query efficiency and table indexing on PostgreSQL, such as:  *Assess query inefficiencies by reading execution plans.  *Review table and index design for optimal performance.  *Determine the priority of what options to tune first by reviewing overall workload behavior.  Finally, Kevin will demonstrate the newest features in Database Performance Analyzer (DPA) that make the entire performance tuning process faster and easier!
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