Content That Connects: Buyer-Centric Storytelling That Builds Credibility

Presented by

John McKnight, Melinda Marks, Dave Gruber, and Christophe Bertrand (ESG)

About this talk

Buyer-centricity should be at the core of any demand generation program. In order to break through a cluttered digital environment, today’s marketers must truly understand their buyers’ needs, challenges, and hesitations. Buyer-centric storytelling offers a fast track for building credibility and trust with your audience, but what does that actually look like in practice? Join TechTarget’s BrightTALK and Enterprise Strategy Group teams for, “Content That Connects: Buyer-Centric Storytelling That Builds Credibility”. In this session, John McKnight sits down with Dave Gruber, Melinda Marks and Christophe Bertrand as they share actionable takeaways for marketers looking to drive long-term engagement through credible, buyer-centric content.
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