Results and Next Steps from OMG March 2020 Technical Committee Meeting
Presented by
Jason McC. Smith, OMG VP and Technical Director with Diane Ehramjian, Director of Member Engagement
About this talk
The first ever fully online OMG Technical Meeting is in the books. Want to know which new specs have been approved? Interested in helping to influence the direction of new standards? Curious what's on the agendas for the June meeting? Join us in this webinar for an overview of recently approved specifications, learn where you can participate on open work in progress, see what's being discussed in the task forces and how you can get involved.
Home to some of the world's foremost ontologists and creators of the most popular software modeling and systems engineering standards, OMG has been setting the standards since 1989. OMG's proven process has earned the ISO Fast-Track/PAS submitter status. Learn what's happening with the standards that power your business!
The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium. Founded in 1989, OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions, and government agencies.…