The Real Cost of Bad Software Quality in the U.S. in 2022

Presented by

Herb Krasner, CISQ Advisory Board Member and retired Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin

About this talk

This webinar will introduce The Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US: A 2022 Report that will be published in December 2022 by CISQ. We highlight the rapidly growing costs of cybersecurity failures and software technical debt. The trends and enablers of these growing costs are discussed. Our 2020 report estimates that poor software quality cost the United States economy over $2 trillion in 2020 due to operational software failures, poor quality legacy systems, and unsuccessful projects. Compared to the country’s projected Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $20.66 trillion, or the $1.4 trillion spent on employing IT/software professionals in 2020, it represents a staggering amount of wasted resources. We can’t wait to share the results of our findings from 2022! Author, Herb Krasner, will introduce the important findings in the report, which is full of facts, figures, case histories, references, and specific recommendations for how and where to find these burdensome costs and how to prevent or avoid them.
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