High Valuations & Restricted Lenders Spotlight - Earn Commission for Referrals

Presented by

Sophie Holloman, Key Relationship Manager, Legal & General Mortgage Club

About this talk

Our July coffee morning will be focused upon high valuations and restricted lenders, and for this session, our usual host Sophie Holloman, will be joined by Gareth Lowman, Director of SPF Private Clients. SPF Private Clients are one of L&G Mortgage Club’s specialist partners for high value mortgages and restricted mainstream lending through its Referral Pro scheme, which helps brokers earn commission for referring clients to trusted partners to handle specific client needs. It also supports brokers in their delivery of Consumer Duty regulations by helping clients reach their financial goals. Sophie and Gareth will discuss the complexities involved with million pound plus properties which often require the services of lenders that many DA firms don’t have access to. However, by using the Referral Pro Scheme, DA firms can assist clients whose needs involve high valuations, by partnering with the right firm, and in doing so, how you as a mortgage adviser, can earn commission for referring these types of clients.
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