Unlocking the Value of Data - Lessons from Public Sector Data Business Cases

Presented by

Bandhu Das. Head of Data Strategy & Engagement, DEFRA

About this talk

Proving value eludes many data professionals. Calculating ROI or cost benefit analysis is just the start. Data's real value emerges when we partner with stakeholders to recognise, articulate, and realise its multidimensional benefits. In this session, public sector data leader Bandhu Das will share insights for developing high-impact data business cases encompassing holistic benefits to win investments and spark engagement for change. Through examples, he’ll share his "Value Matrix" framework that builds on the Treasury's five case model by incorporating change and engagement as essential enablers. This session welcomes both public and private sector data professionals. The attendees will have the opportunity to share their experiences and challenges when pitching data programmes. The discussion will equip participants with practical frameworks to translate conceptual data solutions into funded initiatives that drive demonstrable value. Bandhu Das brings 15+ years of diverse experience spanning finance, policy, and data to enable public sector organisations to adopt data and analytics at scale for public good. As Defra's Head of Data Strategy and Engagement, Bandhu is currently leading the development of an enterprise data strategy and investment roadmap to unlock new levels of value-creation from data. He also oversees their data foundation programme - strengthening Defra's data assets and operating model to enable ethical and sustainable innovations. Previously at HM Treasury, Bandhu led national-level data analytics projects informing key government reform decisions and publications. He also advised ministers to approve record data investments for modern cross-government data ecosystems and collaborations models. As a DAMA UK committee member since 2023, Bandhu is dedicated to nurturing a thriving community of data professionals to elevate data as a strategic asset.
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