Building a movement for Data Quality

Presented by

Tom Redman & Jenny Andrew

About this talk

Data quality has always been important–for well-run operations, for sound decisions, and trustable analytics. AI, including LLMs and predictive AI, depend on high-quality data even more! Yet all of us have an uneasy feeling, that we can’t quite articulate, that our data is simply not good enough. The first step, of course, is to find out. The February FAMathon aims to use the power and the courage of the DAMA UK community to do just that. On Valentine’s Day (how appropriate is that!), Tom Redman, “the Data Doc,” will explain the Friday Afternoon Measurement (FAM) as a simple, powerful way of making that first measurement. We will work an example together, then as a group, agree to make such measurements in our own organizations. We will be planning a follow up session, to come together and review what we've learned, explore the significance, and talk through next steps. Dr. Thomas C. Redman, "the Data Doc," may be the world's most passionate advocate for data quality. As an author, a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, and as a consultant, he combines a visionary's view of the data landscape with deep expertise in data quality, data science and analytics. Tom's latest book, People and Data, urges companies to understand data as a team sport and get everyone involved. His Friday Afternoon Method is an ideal way to begin!
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