Insights and Impact: Lessons from the National Resident Survey for Wales

Presented by

Suzanne Draper & Sam Sullivan, Data Cymru

About this talk

Data Cymru is a not-for-profit organisation wholly owned by local government in Wales. We offer a range of specialist data, statistical and research services designed to help local councils, and the wider public sector, find and use data effectively. In this webinar, as well as learning more about the work of Data Cymru, we will delve into the journey of developing and implementing the National Resident Survey for Wales. This project, the first of its kind in Wales, will provide invaluable data to inform public policy and enhance community well-being. Whether you are involved in designing surveys, analysing data, or implementing public policies, this session will provide valuable insights and practical guidance. So, join us to explore the lessons learned, celebrate the successes, and discuss the future of resident surveys in shaping a better Wales.
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