Older Workers and Carers – the key to employers’ skills gaps

Presented by

Jennifer Liston-Smith, Bright Horizons; Kim Chaplain, Centre for Ageing Better; Katherine Wilson, Carers UK

About this talk

Older workers and carers have left the workforce in disproportionate numbers since 2020. Let’s look together at what attracts and retains this important segment of talent. In the UK Spring Budget, those aged 50+ were among the three groups targeted to fill the skills gaps and drive UK economic growth (along with parents and people with long-term illness). Even before Covid-19, we were recruiting as employers from within an ageing workforce. By mid-2014, the UK average age exceeded 40 for the first time. By 2040, nearly one in seven people is projected to be aged over 75 (according to Government Office for Science figures). 50+ workers are people with experience, often seniority and increasingly complicated lives. According to Carers UK, out of an estimated over 10 million UK carers, one in seven are juggling work and care. Between 2010-2020, people aged 46-65 were the largest age group to become unpaid carers. This timely webinar comes hot on the heels of Carers Week and focuses on practical steps employers can take to both attract and retain the talents of older workers and those who are carers. Join this lively conversation, as we discuss: • The current picture on older workers, carers and their needs from employers – latest research and statistics • What works and what doesn’t – real solutions to make work attractive and sustainable for both 50+ workers and those who are caring for other adult dependents. • What does the future hold? Hear from the experts on coming trends to enable you to get ahead as employers.
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