Reduce Your Cloud Spend on Kubernetes with Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer

Presented by

Pepperdata Field Engineer Alex Pierce, Pepperdata Engineer, Shekhar Gupta

About this talk

Containers have revolutionized application development and deployment, but optimizing Kubernetes cloud costs and achieving better performance is nearly impossible without proper visibility, a thorough understanding of how to optimize your container environment, and automation. Capacity management is a critical and required discipline for companies that want to run reliable and efficient cloud-native infrastructure. Join Pepperdata Engineers Alex Pierce and Shekhar Gupta for a discussion on reducing your overall cloud spend with Kubernetes and Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer. Learn how to achieve automatic cost savings through real-world examples and the following best practices: - Automatic optimization - Efficiently managing capacity by identifying mismanaged resources - Eliminating waste and recapturing unused capacity - Observability, alerts, and job-specific recommendations for Spark
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Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer delivers 30-47% greater cost savings for data-intensive workloads, eliminating the need for manual tuning by optimizing CPU and memory in real time with no application changes. Pepperdata pays for itself, immediately decreasing instance hours/waste, increasing utilization, and freeing developers from manual tuning to focus on innovation.