Consolidate, Automate, Optimize: How To Achieve Multi-Cloud Flexibility

Presented by

Yossi Weihs | Darrin Keller | Ricky Martin | Scott Sinclair | Mark Peters

About this talk

According to a recent ESG survey, 92% of respondents said that a consolidated and simplified approach to a cloud data migration was essential, while 93% of respondents say cloud migration processes at their organizations need to be improved. Too often, cloud migration initiatives are too costly, too complicated, and too rigid. But hybrid-cloud environments are the future, and organizations must learn what is needed to keep up with the pace of change. To do this, organizations must prioritize consolidation, automation, and optimization to deliver the multi-cloud flexibility that IT organizations require today. Join Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) and NetApp hybrid cloud industry experts as we discuss: - The current state of cloud adoption - Cloud migration challenges, and how to overcome them - The changes IT buyers are making to address the needs of multi-cloud - What IT buyers should be looking for Speakers include: - Ricky Martin, Director Of Market Strategy at NetApp - Darrin Keller, Business Management Lead at NetApp - Yossi Weihs, Cloud Insights Product Management Leader at NetApp - Scott Sinclair, Senior Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group - Mark Peters, Senior Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group
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