From Business Risk to Application Security Testing

Presented by

Richard Kirk, Vice President International Sales, Synopsys

About this talk

In this session we’ll highlight how adopting a business risk management approach can help your organization shape your AppSec program to protect your business and maintain the trust of your users, even as the pace, complexity, and security risks of the software you deliver increases.  Session to paint the big picture and hit on the themes of the sessions that follow:  - How Software Composition Analysis is evolving into Software Supply Chain Risk Management  - The importance and benefits of shifting security “everywhere”  - Why Application Security Orchestration and Correlation enable teams to move from tracking security defects to managing security risks.
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Black Duck® offers the most comprehensive, powerful, and trusted portfolio of application security solutions in the industry. We have an unmatched track record of helping organizations around the world secure their software quickly, integrate security efficiently in their development environments, and safely innovate with new technologies. As the recognized leaders, experts, and innovators in software security, Black Duck has everything you need to build trust in your software. As of October 1, 2024 the Synopsys Software Integrity Group is now Black Duck®