The Language of Leaders

Presented by

Deb Calvert, People First Productivity Solutions

About this talk

That elusive characteristic called charisma... the compelling way some people can captivate others... the magic in what and how some people speak... what's it really all about? Learn what leaders do differently to get attention, mobilize followers, and inspire action. Find out how you can use words to engage people and present your ideas in a more compelling way. In this presentation, we'll talk about the simple steps you can take to: - Stir the hearts and minds of people around you - Ignite sparks that intrigue others and draw them to your ideas - Lead by inspiring confidence in your ideas and plans - Amplify what you're saying with improved ways of saying it - Paint pictures that others can see and want to be a part of This presentation is suitable for leaders at any level who want to enlist their followers in pursuit of a vision.
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