Developing a Leadership Philosophy: Why & How

Presented by

Deb Calvert, founder of People First Leadership Academy & People First Productivity Solutions

About this talk

Who needs a Personal Leadership Philosophy? EVERYONE! This is for leaders at every level, including those who want to become better at self-leadership. When leaders have a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP), they’re much easier to follow! That’s because they have clarity and conviction. We willingly choose to follow leaders with a well-developed PLP. What’s more, we find it’s easier to follow them because we know where they are going. We trust their direction and can anticipate how they’ll respond when the going gets tough. Leaders like this inspire us to struggle along with them. Our belief in them is strengthened because they are able to believe in themselves. Having a leadership philosophy gives them that confidence and courage to keep moving forward. To craft your own Personal Leadership Philosophy, there are five steps you can take. In this presentation, you’ll learn about those five steps and see examples from others who have done this heady work. Participants will also receive bonus resources to guide them through the process of creating a powerful PLP that will guide them in everything they do. Part 5 in the video series "Why Wait to Be Great?"
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