80% of the world’s biodiversity is found in the sea while 50% of our oxygen is produced by the oceans. With 3 billion dependent on the ocean economy for their livelihoods, and 90% of international trade transported by sea, the sustainability of our oceans is part of the foundation of a thriving society and ultimately human survival.
Yet, with a warming planet, the oceans’ effectiveness as a carbon sink is deteriorating. Oceans also face many other threats such as the destruction of coastal habitats, pollution and overfishing to name just a few.
Yet when it comes to investment in SDG14 “Life Below Water”, we find it falls short particularly compared to the other SDGs.
The public and private sectors have responsibilities to address and solve these challenges. From giving legal rights to nature to understanding the financial materiality of the ocean economy. In this webinar, we will discuss investor possibilities for addressing the threats to our oceans and providing solutions to promote ocean sustainability.
Matthias Kopp, Director of Sustainable Finance at WWF Germany
Karla Martínez Toral, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
Michael Lewis, Head of Research ESG at DWS