Webinar: How TELUS Turned Disparate Data into a Market Growth Opportunity

Presented by

Chris Havlin, Data Scientist, Telus, Venkat Krishnamurthy, VP Product, OmniSci, Jim Hodges, Chief Analyst, Light Reading

About this talk

More than ever, communication service providers (CSPs) must find ways to holistically combine disparate data sets into data that can be utilized to unlock new market growth opportunities. This webinar will share the analytics requirements to achieve this goal focusing on how TELUS, a Canadian CSP, met this requirement through the creation of an interactive dashboard-based market-sizing tool to grow subscribers and optimize network builds. Working with OmniSci, the pioneer in accelerated analytics, TELUS built an interactive map for all of TELUS's communities, along with competitor speed information, wHSIA coverage layers, competitor cell sites, LTE coverage layers, household reference data, copper qualification, fiber eligibility and marketable base. Topics to be addressed in this webinar include: *A Heavy Reading overview of the role that accelerated analytics plays in CSP market success *How OmniSci provides an intuitive and seamless way to analyze, visualize and power ML/AI workflows to meet the needs of CSPs' large and complex data sets *How TELUS uses OmniSci to maximize profit with an improved market sizing tool by layering spatiotemporal datasets to identify competitor coverage and where to build wireless services
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