The phrase “new normal” has replaced the term “unprecedented times” in recent weeks. But what that “new normal” looks like is yet to be seen. We know it involves shops and pubs which have been allowed to open their doors once again, but as we ease out of lockdown the UK is still very aware that a second peak could soon usher us back into isolation.
What comes hand-in-hand with the “new normal” is uncertainty. And both humans and business struggle to thrive during uncertain times. Retail has already gone through a considerable amount of change in the last decade, with technology impacting every aspect of the industry and the high street facing immense challenges in response to the convenience of online shopping. Change isn’t new for retail. But those who are quick to respond to the “new normal” will be the ones who will weather the storm.
With furlough, sickness and working from home more prevalent, retailers need to have an accurate view of their workforce now more than ever. Join us in this Essential Retail webinar, sponsored by Kronos, on 23 July, to hear an expert panel discuss how retailers should plan their businesses and move together towards a the new normal.
In this webinar, you will learn:
•How digital leaders in retail expect their part of the business to change in the coming months as coronavirus paves a “new normal”
•Why it is so important to have a lean and flexible workforce during times of crisis
•Will we continue to work from home as we ease ourselves out of lockdown? And how will this impact retail?