Digital Transformation – The Next Disruptive Wave Across Industries

Presented by

Jim Morrish, Transforma Insights; Bassam Zarkout, IGnPower Inc.

About this talk

Digital transformation is not a project. It is a transformational strategy led by a vision and powered by a committed program, and a range of technologies often involving multiple IIoT projects. During this live webinar, Bassam and Jim, co-chairs of the Industrial Internet Consortium's Digital Transformation Working Group, and authors of the "Digital Transformation in Industry" white paper will discuss 3 categories of digital transformation initiatives: new business models, enterprise operations and customer experience. Usage scenarios will be shared to illustrate the potential impact of a wide range of technologies (such as Digital Twin, Data Security, Distributed Ledger, Servitization, AI and Analytics) available to enable digital transformation. The presenters will also discuss first steps for end users looking to gain a competitive advantages from the new technologies driving digital transformation. Speakers: -Jim Morrish, Transforma Insights -Bassam Zarkout, IGnPower Inc. -Others TBA
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The Industry IoT Consortium is a global, member-supported, organization that promotes the accelerated growth of the Industrial Internet of Things by coordinating ecosystem initiatives to securely connect, control and integrate assets and systems of assets with people, processes and data using common architectures, interoperability and open standards to deliver transformational business and societal outcomes across industries and public infrastructure.