“Get the job done better”: The best practices of modern software factories

Presented by

Rich Montbriand, Digital Solutions Market Leader, VMware & Sadia Copeland, DevOps Developer, VMware

About this talk

In today’s world, technology is constantly evolving and improving. This means that the software companies that create the technology need to perpetually update and upgrade their offerings in order to stay ahead of the curve. For state governments, this presents a unique challenge. On one hand, they need to adopt new technologies in order to provide better services for their citizens. On the other hand, they need to be cautious about spending taxpayer money on unnecessary upgrades. So, how can state governments strike the right balance? By operating as software factory and delivering a modernized approach to state government applications. Here’s what that means. A software factory is a center of excellence that is constantly innovating and improving its products. This means that they are always looking for ways to make their products better, faster, and more user-friendly. They are also always looking for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. In other words, a modern software factory is focused on results. And for state governments that require results and state constituents that demand results, a software factory can be the answer. Reduce Costs - A software factory can help reduce the cost of upgrading and maintaining government systems. Increased Efficiency - By centralizing all software development in one place, a software factory can increase efficiency and speed up the process of getting new products to market. Improved Quality - The focus on quality at a software factory means that government systems will be improved in terms of both functionality and usability. Increased Innovation - As technology advances, so too must our government systems keep pace. A software factory is well-positioned to drive innovation and modernization in the public sector
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