Getting Reactive with Spring Framework 5.0 GA release

Presented by

Juergen Hoeller, Rossen Stoyanchev, Stephane Maldini and Arjen Poutsma

About this talk

As a major revision of the core Spring Framework, 5.0 comes with a Java 8+ baseline and many infrastructure refinements: e.g. our own Commons Logging bridge autodetecting Log4j 2, SLF4J, JUL by default; streamlined use of Servlet 3.1+; and support for JUnit 5.0! Rest assured that the reactive focus does not impact the existing Spring MVC model; these options live alongside each other. Work continues on the traditional servlet-based Spring MVC stack; there are many further refinements across the framework. Join Juergen Hoeller, Rossen Stoyanchev, Stephane Maldini and the Spring Team to learn about: * Reactive programming: Spring WebFlux framework built on Reactor 3.1, with support for RxJava 2.1 and running on Tomcat, Jetty, Netty or Undertow. * Functional style with Java 8 & Kotlin: several API refinements and Kotlin extensions across the framework, in particular for bean registration and functional web endpoints. * Integration with Java EE 8 APIs: support for Servlet 4.0, Bean Validation 2.0, JPA 2.2, as well as the JSON Binding API (as an alternative to Jackson/Gson in Spring MVC). * JDK 9 support: fully aligned with JDK 9 at runtime, on the classpath as well as the module path (on the latter: as filename-based “automatic modules” for the time being). Attendees will also learn about the role of Project Reactor and its Reactive Streams foundation as the core reactive engine not only for Spring Framework, but increasingly across the Spring ecosystem. Spring Framework 5.0 adopters will benefit from an in-depth understanding of Project Reactor as they start using the 5.0 release. We look forward to you joining us.
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