A recent Harvard Business Review Analytic Services survey highlights the importance of IT automation: 80% of respondents say adopting IT automation is “extremely important” or “very important” to the future success of their organization. However, only 34% of respondents say that IT leaders are actually embracing that role¹.
As companies strive to become more agile and digitize their operations, IT automation has evolved into a business imperative and has become a critical element in digital
transformation. IT leaders must not focus solely on technical matters like selecting the right technology. They should also become evangelists by developing a strategic vision for IT automation and serving as a proponent of culture change to overcome the resistance present at many organizations today.
In this webinar, we’ll cover:
How Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform supports your digital transformation
Understand how organizational change and culture impact the advancement of IT automation.
Identify top priorities and define the roles IT leaders should play to advance IT automation
¹Harvard Business Review Pulse Survey: Taking the lead on IT automation [https://www.redhat.com/en/resources/taking-lead-on-it-automation-analyst-material]
Your Presenters:
Walter Bentley, Senior Manager, Automation Practice
Kaete Piccirilli, Director, Ansible Automation Product Marketing, Products & Technologies, Red Hat