Recalibrating your goals: Impact Investing in a post-pandemic world

Presented by

Richard Zimmerman, Oscar Ardila, Igor Tsukerman, Cooper Abbott & Agnes Terestchenko

About this talk

The pandemic of 2020 was a catalyst that forced investors to reconsider the impact they wanted to have on the world. Some profited, others suffered losses - all were changed. This change manifested itself the asset classes & industries they invested in. But what didn’t change was the long-term goals they had been identified before the pandemic hit. How can re-calibrate their portfolios to stay with their long-term goals, while accepting the new world we are in? As laid out by the United Nations, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals remains an appropriate guideline for all investors to measure success. Despite the turbulence of 2020, re-calibrating their investment policies is needed to align with this framework. The challenge is to not lose sight of the long-term goals that the pandemic did not affect. Join this webinar to learn: - Why the SDGs remain relevant for impact investors - How identify which metrics are right for your long-term investment goals - How to use the SDGs to help standardise your investment metrics Speakers: Richard Zimmerman, Advisor, WE Family Offices (Moderator) Oscar Ardila, Head of Investor Relations and Responsible Investing , AshmoreAVENIDA Igor Tsukerman, President & Chief Investment Officer, Eureka Wealth Solutions Cooper Abbott, President & Chairman, Carillon Tower Advisers Agnes Terestchenko, Head of Institutional Sales- North America & CEO, Vigeo Eiris
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