e cybersecurity threat landscape has evolved to target employees working both in and outside the office, requiring organizations’ management and security teams work together to ensure corporate and BYO devices are effectively configured, managed and secured.
When it comes to mobile device management (MDM), Apple devices not only have a solid foundation of built-in privacy and security, but Apple also offers a powerful management framework and endpoint security api which allow the creation of tools to help simplify device enrollment, configuration, and security policy enforcement. With Apple’s rising popularity and use in the enterprise, more bad actors are targeting and searching for vulnerabilities as well as web based threats.
In our webinar, Exploring Apple’s MDM Framework and Endpoint Security API, we provide a comprehensive understanding of how organizations can use these technologies to streamline device administration, enhance security measures, and ensure policy compliance.
Join us as we discuss:
Apple’s MDM Framework for managing Macs, iPhones and iPads
Apple’s Endpoint Security API as a baseline security tool and how to provide additional layers of security
How to achieve compliance, adopt at scale and apply security frameworks to your Apple fleet
How management and security can help bring together device management, user identity and endpoint protection