Operational Resilience Webinar

Presented by

Sara Woods, Senior Manager; Jerry O'Sullivan, Associate Partner; David Spollen, Director; Jack Armstrong, Director

About this talk

In response to recent regulatory developments, we invite you to join our upcoming webinar at 9am on Tuesday, 29 June, to understand the latest market guidance for Financial Services firms and their Operational Resilience requirements. During the webinar a panel of speakers and I will discuss: 1. CBI Consultation Paper 140: The new Cross-Industry Outsourcing Consultation Paper which was released by the Central Bank of Ireland in March 2021. We will provide an overview of the new compliance requirements to Irish firms brought about by this Paper. We will discuss the similarities and lessons learnt from the UK Operational Resilience requirements. 2. Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA): The proposal from the European Commission outlining the EU wide legislation for the financial sector. We will discuss the expected impacts of this proposal. 3. BIS Cyber Resilience Practices: The May 2021 publication addresses how firms respond to cyber incidents. We will discuss the expectations outlined in this executive summary. The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session.
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