Even providers that have the most mature data analytic capabilities struggle to keep up with the never ending demand for information from clinicians and administrators endeavoring to deliver the highest level of health outcomes at an affordable cost. It is difficult understanding and keeping track of the interrelationship of the complex healthcare IT landscape, the initiatives and reporting requirements along with all the data artifacts that have been established. We have developed tools and processes to curate all of this information, establish the relationships, and move the data rapidly to meet the needs of your organization..
Here are the 6 ways we do this:
- Capture and catalog the inventory of reports and metrics
- Capture and catalog the initiatives, terms, and their associated metrics and definitions
- Tie all of this to the metadata of the systems providing the data
- Bring trust and understanding to the data and metrics for clinicians and stakeholders to report on
- Expose all these data analytics artifacts in a searchable way
- Speed the movement of data from the encounter to the dashboard