Triumphing with the Digital Native Generation

Presented by

Johan Fantenberg, Principal Solutions Architect

About this talk

The financial services landscape is awash with change, shifting relentlessly. And nothing is evolving more furiously than the expectations of a new generation of consumers: those fast, fickle and uncompromising digital natives. As Principal Solution Architect at ForgeRock, Johan Fatenberg has worked with both the banking giants innovating aggressively to keep up with new-generation customers - and with the new-model disruptors trying to steal them away. In this fast-paced, example-filled 30-minute (+questions) webinar, he’ll share his pointed insights on: During the session, we will give you a hands-on demonstration of the solution benefits, features and highlights such as: Which business, market and technology forces are driving most providers’ strategies – and the forces hampering their pace of innovation. What digital natives demand of financial services providers – and why they’ll leave you in a heartbeat if you don’t measure up. How the technology in your APIs and ecosystems must evolve to satisfy them – and the kind of advanced tools your ‘kit’ needs to include. Why identity – recognising, knowing and earning the trust of today’s demanding customers – is central to your digital business success. Please join Johan for a thought-provoking look at some of the ‘digitise-or-die’ forces shaping your future in financial services.
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