How to Detect Fraud Quicker with AI

Presented by

Ashrith Barthur, Principal Security Scientist at

About this talk

Electronic Fraud is prevalent in almost every walk of life these days. The directions in which society is moving forward, monetary instruments are only going to get more digital, and transactions are only going to get more electronic. In this almost-exponential growth fraudsters have a leg up. This is because legacy systems that are fighting are old, and have not accounted for newer fraudulent behaviors. While the new systems with ML models could be accurate but slow. For one to catch fraud in an acceptable time, the systems have to be fast and quickly modifiable to changing fraudulent methods. In this talk, we speak about different methods which can make your AI systems faster, and valuable toward identifying fraud. These systems also maintain a high level of accuracy. Some of these methods that we would discuss are: - Different ways of implementing the models - Variations in hyper-parameters of models - Highly accurate features that are valuable that are modifiable At the end of this webinar you would be able to understand how to: - Build better features for fraud - How to build models and model implementations to speed up the decision Presenter: - Ashrith Barthur, Principal Security Scientist at
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