Join an expert panel of insurtech influencers as they debate the most important issues facing insurance boardrooms today.
The videocast starts with a keynote address from Brian Wallace, Chief Technology Officer - Insurance, DXC Technology at Intelligent InsurTECH Europe 2017. The speech focuses on how insurtech is creating innovation and how current insurers can adapt and transition to deal with these changes.
Following this is the keynote panel from the Intelligent InsurTECH Europe 2017 event, which brings together some of the greatest minds in the industry discussing a wide range of issues and challenges conventional insurers face in the insurtech space while expanding on the points made in Brian Wallace’s keynote address.
Panellists featured in this keynote
• Brian Wallace, Chief Technology Officer - Insurance, DXC Technology
• Jacob Abboud Chief Information Officer, Allianz Insurance (UK)
• Marc Guy Victor Sordoni Chief Executive Officer, Unipol RE
• Shirine Khoury-Haq Chief Operating Officer, Lloyd's of London
• Martin Henley, Group Chief Information Officer, XL Catlin
Our panellists discuss:
•Which insurtech solutions can help insurers differentiate themselves and bring unique competitive advantages to the business?
•How will insurtech impact the core business, results, portfolio, new clients and profitability?
•What are the benefits compared to the current operations?
•How much will it cost? What’s the potential ROI and impact on the bottom line? Why should the board approve the investment?
•Where do the real opportunities lie? Where should insurers focus on: the connected car; the connected home; the connected self?
•How to attain scalability; what are possible opportunities and pitfalls?
•The pressure to remain competitive: How much time do we have, if any?
•Recent initiatives and implementation case studies.