Insurtech Startup Investment & Engagement

Presented by

Intelligent InsurTECH

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Join a panel of insurtech experts discussing the most important issues facing insurance startup investment and engagement today, as recorded at Intelligent InsurTECH Europe 2017. This videocast is chaired by Twan Hoste, head of product management at Roundcube. He is joined by an experienced panel of incumbents, investors and startups to discuss a range of subjects including: •How to generate entrepreneurship within organisations / build ambitious insurtech startups: opportunities and challenges. •How can incumbents and startups use each other’s capabilities in an optimal way to ensure a successful partnership? •Investing to innovate: what’s interesting based on the 3 P’s (profitability; persistency - keeping the customer longer; proximity - to the customer); how and when to invest; global investment trends; re/insurance giants’ recent startup investment & partnerships. •Tracking commercially viable startups / solutions emerging around the world & qualifying potential investments. •What startups need to know about investors - the do’s and don'ts & best practices both worlds can share. •Is it possible for Europe to compete against Asia, when we look at the regulatory environment? •Looking into the near future - where will innovation come from? How to keep up with newcomers delivering optimisation and automation quicker through partnership models. The panel •Twan Hoste, Head of Product Management, Roundcube •Martin Pluschke, Head of Group Digitisation Strategy, Nürnberger Versicherung •Minh Q. Tran, Former General Partner, Europe, AXA Strategic Ventures •Alexandre Rispal, co-CEO, Moonshot-Internet, Société Générale Insurance •Volker Büttner, Head of Group Innovation, Generali Group •Matthew Jones, Investor, Anthemis Group •Michael Fitzgibbon, Vice President of Insurance Services & Chief Underwriting Officer, Slice
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