A no-nonsense webinar for female entrepreneurs or subject matter experts. Why you need to say "YES" to speaking. Bobbie Carlton, founder of Innovation Women, the world's largest visibility bureau for innovative, technical, and entrepreneurial women, will discuss how to get started, how to find speaking opportunities, and how to nail your next speaking engagement.
As an entrepreneur or subject matter expert, you want to get the visibility you need and deserve. Bobbie takes you through the five "C"s, five categories of reasons why you need to speak to get that visibility.
You will learn:
- The five "C"s on WHY you need to speak
- Why now is the time to speak ("The Speaker's Paradise")
- How to get started
- Tips on how to deliver a successful speech
- How to find speaking opportunities
- How to nail your next speaking engagement
Part of a webinar series "Innovation Women Speak!"