Show Me the Money

Presented by

Bonnie Low-Kramen, International Speaker and Bestselling Author

About this talk

Let’s talk money. No more taboos, secrets, or stigma, just facts and strategies. We have no choice. If we keep going with the status quo, it will take 208 years to get to equality. I don’t have that kind of time, do you? This webinar will be a bad news/great news hour. The bad news is that the stress about money can be overwhelming. Very few women ever get formal negotiation skills training that could be applied to terms of employment. Too many women are underpaid and do not know what their role is actually worth in their market. The great news is that Bonnie Low-Kramen is determined to fix that and she has the success stories to prove she can. This webinar is for anyone who has a stake in today’s workplace. That means professional women, manbassadors, managers, students, human resources professionals, and recruiters. After all, real change in our workplace is going to take all of us – women and men. This webinar will be mind-opening and could be your catalyst for action. As the CEO of You, Incorporated, it’s time to address the financial wellbeing of your “company.” Are you ready to make the money that you deserve?
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