Data storage is under siege. Whether data is stored in NAS, the cloud, or the hybrid-cloud, bad actors are targeting it with sophisticated, AI-driven cyberattacks.
Organizations need solutions that protect their data wherever it resides and during the migration between repositories and data storage methods.
Join us on Tuesday, February 25th, at 4 PM GMT / 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT for an introduction to DSX for Cloud – Amazon FSx NetApp and learn how Deep Instinct protects your data from the start of your cloud migration to full cloud implementation.
We’ll cover the following:
* How DSX for Cloud – Amazon FSx NetApp prevents threats to Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage
* How we prevent threats during the cloud migration phase of cloud transformations and continue to prevent them in the hybrid-cloud environment
* Why a deep learning solution is necessary to combat DarkAI threats