Despite the cataclysmic events of 2020, Yahli Admati, a leading futurist and strategist is optimistic. Over the next decade, she envisions opportunities with technological innovations creating a brighter future.
Join Yahli Admati in the next episode of Talking iTech with Eddie Doyle series as they discuss key technology capabilities fueled by artificial intelligence (AI). Topics to be discussed include:
• Medical advancements, including the speed up of coronavirus gen editing
• Rapid transformation of micro to megatrend predictions
• Major advancements with industrial and service robots
• A new quantum computing paradigm for the future
Yahli Admati has worked with senior executives from such diverse companies as Cadbury’s, Citibank, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, L’OREAL, Nestle, Orange, among others.
This must-attend webinar event offers vital implications for everyone.