Representing the largest expenditure in the eDiscovery task continuum, the review phase of legal discovery consumes almost 70% of each dollar spent on eDiscovery. Understanding budgetary constraints routinely are a top concern for eDiscovery professionals, legal departments and law firms are continually seeking ways to become more time effective and cost efficient during document reviews. But are these professionals making sourcing decisions based on facts or assumptions? This expert presentation will highlight ten of the most common myths associated with attorney document reviews and present approaches for avoiding decisions based on myths.
Key Presentation Topics Include:
+ Myth #1: Hourly Billing is Better than Per Document Billing
+ Myth #2: TAR will Replace Humans
+ Myth #3: The Best Document Review Team will be in a Review Center
+ Myth #4: Recruiters Analyze ALL Candidates for Your Matters
+ Myth #5: Law Firm Associates are Always the Best High-Level Consultants for Review
+ Myth #6: Your Document Review Tool Produces ALL the Metrics You Need for Your Matter
+ Myth #7: Lots of Time Should be Spent on Individual Attorney Quality Control
+ Myth #8: ALTA Exams are the Best Way to Test Foreign Language Reviewers
+ Myth #9: Anyone with A Law Degree will be a Great Document Reviewer
+ Myth #10: Remote Review is Less Secure than OnSite
Presentation Leader: Michael Dalewitz
President of ReviewRight, Mike has extensive experience in eDiscovery and the management of large, document-intensive cases in a predictable fixed cost pricing model. He created one of the industry’s first managed document review models and developed the first document review metrics tracking software.
Nationally recognized as an expert in eDiscovery, document review and legal staffing, Mike is a published author, speaker, and CLE instructor who graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Arts degree and obtained his JD from New York Law School.