83% of organizations who use IaaS have experienced at least one security incident *. Enterprises continue to embrace digital
transformation and the cloud, but today’s corporate networks were never designed for the cloud and fall well short on delivering the
agility and security required to address the requirements of digital transformation. While the amount of security attention needed for
SaaS is relatively lower than for IaaS, every service has different implications, unique features, and its own administrative interface,
which creates a significant challenge for IT operations and security to manage.
During this session, you will learn how and why to follow a life cycle approach to cloud security governance, how to avoid security
risks from misconfigured cloud resources and shadow IT, how and why organizations need to transform both their WAN and security
architectures and how to maintain visibility of cloud assets.
*Source: McAfee
More about Andrea: Andrea is a Security Architect at Softchoice, working with organizations to securely adopt
new technology for over 15 years. She currently works with industry groups including the Cloud Security Alliance
(CSA) on building framework and governance for new technologies.