Pandemic lessons: opportunities and challenges with contact tracing in Canada

Presented by

CSA Canada Chapter

About this talk

Like never before, the Pandemic of 2019 has pitched the needs of public health, technology and privacy laws against each other. Canada, like many countries around the world, is struggling to implement efficient contact tracing without violating the privacy of its citizens. Does cloud-enabled contact tracing work? Is modern privacy-preserving technology efficient given the massive scale of tracing and the vast amounts of collected data? What can Canada learn from other countries, and how is it different? Our panel of technology and privacy experts will ponder these and other questions in a lively and frank discussion orchestrated by the CSA Canada Chapter. Speakers: •Tim Grayson – panel moderator, Institute-X Inc. CEO and Transformation Leader •Dr. Ann Cavoukian – Executive Director of the Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre, and former 3-term Privacy Commissioner of Ontario •Dr. Khaled El Emam is a Professor at the University of Ottawa, eHealth Info Laboratory •Michael Geist - Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-Commerce Law at the University of Ottawa and a member of the Centre for Law, Technology and Society •John Weigelt - National Technology Officer at Microsoft Canada
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