It's vital for Retail & CPG industries to adapt to rapidly changing consumer demands in challenging and ever-changing environments. So, join us for our new virtual series highlighting the use cases capable of boosting your business in the present, and in the near, post-Covid, future!
In our first edition, Rata Jacquemart, Project Leader, AI Consulting at Dataiku, will discuss Pricing & Marketing optimization and cover numerous topics, including; how to build your discount optimization engine, personalized promotions, and media performance assessment tool's, helping you to start making a change within your organization.
As Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”
Speaker Bio: Rata Jacquemart is a data science project leader at Dataiku, helping customers in various industries building real & measurable business impacts with data science. She holds a PhD in Robotics & applied Mathematics. Before joining Dataiku, she was a data scientist for multiple top companies as the Boston Consulting Group (BCG GAMMA), fifty-five and Telenor where she specialized in retail/ e-commerce, CPG and Telco industries. Before starting her data science journey, she was a researcher in robotics and remote sensing leading projects in using satellite data for Agriculture and Meteorology applications.