Today’s young employees are the engines of the knowledge economy and tomorrow’s business leaders. And according to The Born Digital Effect, the latest research from Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS), they’re primed to deliver an extra $1.9 trillion in corporate profits. However, they’ll need some help to pull it off.
Millennial and Gen Z employees will be in C-Level positions by 2035 (or sooner), so it is crucial that leaders consider what engages and motivates this segment of the workforce, in order to unlock their fullest potential.
But this research suggests leaders are out of touch and operating on old assumptions, potentially wasting time and resources to deliver an experience that isn’t meeting the needs or wants of this group.
These gaps must be proactively managed for organizations to thrive. But how can leaders build an employee experience to suit the needs of their diverse workforce, and what does the future of the workforce look like?
Join us in this session as we discuss:
- The expectations of the Born Digital workforce
- The generational divide and what to do about it
- Creating an organizational culture for a generation that has never worked in the office