There is a well-deserved love for the speed and simplicity of RAID, but in a world of impossibly-large HDDs and Multi-PB buckets, there is little RAID can do for us at scale. Unfortunately, the 'classic' Erasure Coding used to replace RAID has brought us mathematical complexity, high costs and significant performance impacts. Is there a way to blend both speed and scale and run it on simple and efficient hardware? Indeed there is: Rozo Systems has adapted a mathematical transform (Mojette) to function as an encode/decode engine mimicking the simplicity of RAID, the integrity of erasure coding, and the scalability and distributed access of object storage. Even better: it works beautifully over SMB3, NFS4, and the Rozo DirectSCALE parallel client. Find out how RozoFS is easy on the hardware, but greased lightning for your applications and users.