Investing with Nature: Deep dive on nature-based solutions in forests

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Nature-based solutions such as forest landscape restoration can reverse the effects of deforestation and degradation, and regain the ecological, social, climatic and economic benefits of forests. Not only can this make a significant contribution to climate commitments, it also positively impacts the lives of the roughly one-third of humanity that has a close dependence on forests and forest products. However, every year, the world loses 10 million hectares of forests, an area larger than Portugal. (IPCC Special Report). 70% of tropical forest loss is related to the production of commodities such as beef, soy, palm oil and rubber. If we want to create a stable climate and reverse the loss of biodiversity, we need to change the way food and non-food commodities are produced and how they are financed. The second deep dive session of our new “Investing in Nature: Exploring Investment Opportunities Across Ecosystems” webinar series – funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – will feature commercially viable financial innovations in nature-based-solutions that are game changers in conserving and restoring forests, specifically in Latin America. Banks and investors will discuss how their net zero, nature positive financing strategies and schemes have proven to work in practice and how they be replicated at scale.
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United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is a partnership between United Nations Environment and the global financial sector created in the wake of the 1992 Earth Summit with a mission to promote sustainable finance. More than 240 financial institutions, including banks, insurers, and investors, work with UN Environment to understand today’s environmental, social and governance challenges, why they matter to finance, and how to actively participate in addressing them. UNEP FI’s work also includes a strong focus on policy – by facilitating country-level dialogues between finance practitioners, supervisors, regulators and policy-makers, and, at the international level, by promoting financial sector involvement in processes such as the global climate negotiations.